↑タイトル詐欺 主にFusion360API 偶にCATIA V5 VBA(絶賛ネタ切れ中)


2D曲線の折れ線化 - スプライン - C#ATIA

OVERKILL[重複オブジェクト削除] (コマンド) | AutoCAD | Autodesk Knowledge Network

いなければ "重複線" と判断されず、削除されないんです、AutoCAD
知りませんが。(極端な話 0.00000001mm ズレていても削除されません)


完全に一致していないものでも "不要だよ" と思われる線が図面内には




'vba test_Select_Overlap_Curve2D ver0.0.1  using-'KCL0.09'

Option Explicit

'*** 設定 ***
Private Const POLY_TOL = 0.1        '折れ線化トレランス
Private Const OVER_TOL = 0.001      '重複判断トレランス
Private Const EPS = 0.0001          'イコール判断

Sub CATMain()
    If Not KCL.CanExecute("DrawingDocument") Then Exit Sub
    Dim View As DrawingView: Set View = KCL.SelectItem("ビューを選択してください", "DrawingView")
    If KCL.IsNothing(View) Then Exit Sub
    Dim Doc As DrawingDocument: Set Doc = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(View, "DrawingDocument")
    KCL.SW_Start: Debug.Print "** Obj Start ** :" & vbNewLine & "POLY_TOL-" & POLY_TOL & " : OVER_TOL-" & OVER_TOL
    Dim CrvLst As Collection: Set CrvLst = GetCurveList_Obj(View)
    Debug.Print "CrvLst- " & CrvLst.Count & "個 : " & KCL.SW_GetTime & "s"
    If KCL.IsNothing(CrvLst) Then Exit Sub
    Dim RngLst As Collection: Set RngLst = GetRangeBoxList(CrvLst)
    Debug.Print "RngLst- " & RngLst.Count & "個 : " & KCL.SW_GetTime & "s"
    Dim LngLst As Collection: Set LngLst = GetLength_Prm(CrvLst)
    Debug.Print "LngLst- " & LngLst.Count & "個 : " & KCL.SW_GetTime & "s"
    Dim PolyLst As Collection: Set PolyLst = GetPolyList(CrvLst)
    Debug.Print "PolyLst- " & PolyLst.Count & "個 : " & KCL.SW_GetTime & "s"
    Dim EnumLst As Collection: Set EnumLst = InitRangeList(CrvLst.Count)
    Call Q_ISort_List(EnumLst, LngLst)
    Debug.Print "EnumLst- " & EnumLst.Count & "個 : " & KCL.SW_GetTime & "s"
    Dim OverLst As Collection: Set OverLst = GetOverlapList(EnumLst, PolyLst)
    Debug.Print "OverLst- " & OverLst.Count & "個 : " & KCL.SW_GetTime & "s"
    Call SelectOverCrv(OverLst, CrvLst, Doc.Selection)
    Debug.Print "SelectOverCrv - " & Doc.Selection.Count2 & "個 : " & KCL.SW_GetTime & "s"
End Sub

'*** catia ***
Private Sub SelectOverCrv(ByVal OverList As Collection, ByVal CrvList As Collection, ByVal Sel As Selection)
    Dim Idx
    CATIA.HSOSynchronized = False
    With Sel
        For Each Idx In OverList
            .Add CrvList(Idx)
    End With
    CATIA.HSOSynchronized = True
End Sub

Private Function GetCurveList_Obj(ByVal Vew As DrawingView) As Collection
    Dim Lst As Collection: Set Lst = New Collection
    Dim Geos As GeometricElements: Set Geos = Vew.GeometricElements
    Dim Geo As GeometricElement
    For Each Geo In Geos
        Select Case Geo.GeometricType
            Case catGeoTypeUnknown, catGeoTypeAxis2D, catGeoTypeControlPoint2D, catGeoTypePoint2D
            Case Else
                Lst.Add Geo
        End Select
    Set GetCurveList_Obj = Lst
End Function

Private Function GetLength_Prm(ByVal Geos As Collection) As Collection
    Set GetLength_Prm = Nothing
    Dim Lst As Collection: Set Lst = New Collection
    Dim Geo As GeometricElement
    Dim Prm(1)
    For Each Geo In Geos
        With Geo
            Call .GetParamExtents(Prm)
            Lst.Add .GetLengthAtParam(Prm(0), Prm(1))
        End With
    Set GetLength_Prm = Lst
End Function

Private Function GetRangeBoxList(ByVal Geos As Collection) As Collection
    Set GetRangeBoxList = Nothing
    Dim Lst As Collection: Set Lst = New Collection
    Dim Geo As GeometricElement
    Dim Range(3)
    For Each Geo In Geos
        Call Geo.GetRangeBox(Range)
        Lst.Add Array(Array(Range(0), Range(1)), Array(Range(2), Range(3)))
    Set GetRangeBoxList = Lst
End Function

Private Function GetPolyList(ByVal Geos As Collection) As Collection
    Set GetPolyList = Nothing
    Dim Lst As Collection: Set Lst = New Collection
    Dim Geo As GeometricElement
    For Each Geo In Geos
        Select Case Geo.GeometricType
            Case catGeoTypeLine2D '"Line2D"
                Lst.Add Line2Poly(Geo)
            Case catGeoTypeCircle2D '"Circle2D"
                Lst.Add Circle2Poly(Geo)
            Case Else '"Spline2D", "Curve2D"
                Lst.Add Curve2Poly(Geo)
        End Select
    Set GetPolyList = Lst
End Function

Private Function IsOverlap(PolyA As Collection, PolyB As Collection) As Boolean
    IsOverlap = False

    Dim MinLng#, TempLng#, i&, j&
    For i = 1 To PolyB.Count
        MinLng = OVER_TOL + 1#
        For j = 1 To PolyA.Count - 1
            TempLng = Dist_AB_C(PolyA(j), PolyA(j + 1), PolyB(i))
            If MinLng > TempLng Then MinLng = TempLng
        If MinLng > OVER_TOL Then
            Exit Function
        End If
    IsOverlap = True
End Function

Private Function GetOverlapList(IdxList As Collection, PolyList As Collection) As Collection
    Set GetOverlapList = Nothing

    Dim i&, j&
    Dim List As Collection: Set List = New Collection
    For i = 1 To IdxList.Count '重複線を判断する側(長いほうの線)
        For j = i + 1 To IdxList.Count '重複線を判断される側
            If IsOverlap(PolyList(IdxList(i)), PolyList(IdxList(j))) Then
                List.Add IdxList(j)
            End If
    Set GetOverlapList = List
End Function

'*** PolyLine ***
Private Function Line2Poly(ByVal Geo As AnyObject) As Collection
    Set Line2Poly = Nothing
    Dim Prm(1) '始点終点パラメータ
    Dim Pos(3) '座標
    Dim StPos '始点座標
    Dim EnPos '終点座標
    'Dim Lng# '長さ
    Call Geo.GetEndPoints(Pos)
    StPos = Array(Pos(0), Pos(1))
    EnPos = Array(Pos(2), Pos(3))
    Dim List As Collection: Set List = New Collection
    Call List.Add(StPos)
    Call List.Add(EnPos)
    Set Line2Poly = List
End Function

Private Function Circle2Poly(ByVal Geo As AnyObject) As Collection
    Set Circle2Poly = Nothing
    Dim Prm(1) '始点終点パラメータ
    Dim StPos(1) '始点座標
    Dim EnPos(1) '終点座標
    Dim CnPos(1) '中心座標
    Dim R# '半径
    With Geo
        Call .GetParamExtents(Prm)
        Call .GetPointAtParam(Prm(0), StPos)
        Call .GetPointAtParam(Prm(1), EnPos)
        Call .GetCenter(CnPos)
        R = .Radius
    End With
    Dim IncPara# 'パラメータ増分
    Dim E_SPara# '終点-始点パラメータ
    Dim LoopCount& 'カウンタ
    If R * 0.5 < POLY_TOL Then
        IncPara = (Prm(1) - Prm(0)) * 0.5
        IncPara = ArcCos(1 - POLY_TOL / R) * 2
        E_SPara = Prm(1) - Prm(0)
        LoopCount = Fix(E_SPara / IncPara) + 1
        IncPara = E_SPara / LoopCount
    End If
    Dim SinTheta#, CosTheta#
    SinTheta = Sin(IncPara)
    CosTheta = Cos(IncPara)
    Dim AD#, BD# '回転前の点と中心点の距離
    Dim List As Collection: Set List = New Collection
    Dim i&
    Call List.Add(Array(StPos(0), StPos(1)))
    For i = 2 To LoopCount
        AD = List(i - 1)(0) - CnPos(0)
        BD = List(i - 1)(1) - CnPos(1)
        Call List.Add(Array(AD * CosTheta - BD * SinTheta + CnPos(0), _
                            AD * SinTheta + BD * CosTheta + CnPos(1)))
    Call List.Add(Array(EnPos(0), EnPos(1)))
    Set Circle2Poly = List
End Function

Private Function Curve2Poly(ByVal Geo As AnyObject) As Collection
    Set Curve2Poly = Nothing
    Const CutCount = 4 '分割数
    Dim Prm(1) '始点終点パラメータ
    Dim Pos(1) '座標
    With Geo
        Call .GetParamExtents(Prm)
        Call .GetPointAtParam(Prm(0), Pos)
    End With
    Dim PntList As Collection '折れ線化リスト
    Set PntList = New Collection: Call PntList.Add(Pos)
    Dim CrvSPara#: CrvSPara = Prm(0) 'カーブ始点パラメータ
    Dim CrvEPara#: CrvEPara = Prm(1) 'カーブ終点パラメータ
    Dim LoopSPara#: LoopSPara = CrvSPara 'ループ始点パラメータ
    Dim LoopEPara#: LoopEPara = CrvEPara 'ループ終点パラメータ
    Dim SumPara# '増分パラメータ
    Dim LoopSPos(1) 'ループ始点
    Dim LoopEPos(1) 'ループ終点
    Dim Unit_Vec 'ループ始点からループ終点の単位ベクトル
    Dim i&
    Dim CutPara#(CutCount) '分割パラメータ
    Dim CutPos(CutCount) '分割座標
    Dim CutMax: CutMax = Array(-1#, -1&) '分割点の最大距離とID
    Dim TempLng#  '一時距離
        SumPara = (LoopEPara - LoopSPara) / (CutCount + 2)
        Call Geo.GetPointAtParam(LoopSPara, LoopSPos)
        Call Geo.GetPointAtParam(LoopEPara, LoopEPos)
        Unit_Vec = Normaliz2d(LoopSPos, LoopEPos)
        '分割点作成 距離チェック
        For i = 0 To CutCount
            CutPara(i) = LoopSPara + SumPara * (i + 1)
            Call Geo.GetPointAtParam(CutPara(i), Pos)
            CutPos(i) = Pos
            TempLng = Lng_V_P(Unit_Vec, Sub2d(CutPos(i), LoopSPos))
            If CutMax(0) < TempLng Then '最大分割点更新
                CutMax(1) = i: CutMax(0) = TempLng
            End If
        '最大距離から節確定 LoopEParaが終点ならループ終了
        If CutMax(0) < POLY_TOL Then
            If LoopEPara >= CrvEPara Then
                Call Geo.GetPointAtParam(CrvEPara, Pos)
                Call PntList.Add(Pos)
                Exit Do 'ループ抜ける
                Call PntList.Add(LoopEPos)
                LoopSPara = LoopEPara
                LoopEPara = CrvEPara
            End If
            LoopEPara = CutPara(CutMax(1)) '再度処理
        End If
        CutMax(0) = -1# '距離初期化
        If EQ(LoopSPara, LoopEPara) Then
            '始点と終点がほぼ同一 未対応
        End If
    Set Curve2Poly = PntList
End Function

'*** Math ***
Private Function ArcCos(ByVal V As Double) As Double
    ArcCos = Atn(-V / Sqr(-V * V + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)
End Function

Private Function LengSqr(ByVal P1 As Variant, ByVal P2 As Variant) As Double
    Dim A#: A = P2(0) - P1(0)
    Dim B#: B = P2(1) - P1(1)
    LengSqr = A * A + B * B
End Function

Private Function EQ(ByVal A As Double, ByVal B As Double) As Boolean
    EQ = IIf(Abs((A) - (B)) < EPS, True, False)
End Function

'*** Vecter ***
Private Function Dist_AB_C(ByVal A As Variant, ByVal B As Variant, ByVal C As Variant) As Double
    If Dot2d(Sub2d(B, A), Sub2d(C, A)) < EPS Then
        Dist_AB_C = Abs(Sqr(LengSqr(C, A)))
        Exit Function
    End If
    If Dot2d(Sub2d(A, B), Sub2d(C, B)) < EPS Then
        Dist_AB_C = Abs(Sqr(LengSqr(C, B)))
        Exit Function
    End If
    'Dist_AB_C = Lng_V_P(Normaliz2d(A, B), C) 'ここ前回と変更した
    Dist_AB_C = Lng_AB_C(A, B, C) 'ここ前回と変更した
End Function

Private Function Lng_AB_C(ByVal A As Variant, ByVal B As Variant, ByVal C As Variant) As Double
    Lng_AB_C = Abs(Cross2d(Sub2d(B, A), Sub2d(C, A))) / Abs(Sqr(LengSqr(B, A)))
End Function

Private Function Lng_V_P(ByVal V As Variant, ByVal P As Variant) As Double
    Lng_V_P = Abs(Cross2d(V, P))
End Function

Private Function Normaliz2d(ByVal V1 As Variant, ByVal V2 As Variant) As Variant
    Dim vec: vec = Sub2d(V2, V1)
    Dim tmp: tmp = Sqr(Dot2d(vec, vec))
    Normaliz2d = Array(vec(0) / tmp, vec(1) / tmp)
End Function

Private Function Sub2d(ByVal V1 As Variant, ByVal V2 As Variant) As Variant
    Sub2d = Array(V1(0) - V2(0), V1(1) - V2(1))
End Function

Private Function Dot2d(ByVal V1 As Variant, ByVal V2 As Variant) As Double
    Dot2d = V1(0) * V2(0) + V1(1) * V2(1)
End Function

Private Function Cross2d(ByVal V1 As Variant, ByVal V2 As Variant) As Double
    Cross2d = V1(0) * V2(1) - V1(1) * V2(0)
End Function

'*** etc ***
Private Function InitRangeList(ByVal Count&) As Collection
    Dim List As Collection: Set List = New Collection
    Dim i&
    For i = 1 To Count
        List.Add i
    Set InitRangeList = List
End Function

Private Sub Q_ISort_List(ByRef IdxList As Collection, ByVal LngList As Collection)
    Dim Stack As Collection: Set Stack = New Collection
    Stack.Add 1, CStr(Stack.Count + 1)
    Stack.Add IdxList.Count, CStr(Stack.Count + 1)
    Dim Pivot, Temp1, Temp2
    Dim LeftIdx&, RightIdx&, i&, j&
    Do While Stack.Count > 0
        LeftIdx = Stack(CStr(Stack.Count - 1))
        RightIdx = Stack(CStr(Stack.Count))
        Stack.Remove Stack.Count
        Stack.Remove Stack.Count
        If LeftIdx < RightIdx Then
            Pivot = LngList(IdxList((LeftIdx + RightIdx) / 2))
            i = LeftIdx
            j = RightIdx
            Do While i <= j
                Do While LngList(IdxList(i)) > Pivot
                    i = i + 1
                Do While LngList(IdxList(j)) < Pivot
                    j = j - 1
                If i <= j Then
                    Temp1 = IdxList(i)
                    Temp2 = IdxList(j)
                    IdxList.Add Temp1, After:=j
                    IdxList.Remove j
                    IdxList.Add Temp2, After:=i
                    IdxList.Remove i
                    i = i + 1
                    j = j - 1
                End If
            If RightIdx - i >= 0 Then
                If RightIdx - i <= THREASHOLD Then
                    ComboInsertionSort IdxList, i, RightIdx, LngList
                    Stack.Add i, CStr(Stack.Count + 1)
                    Stack.Add RightIdx, CStr(Stack.Count + 1)
                End If
            End If
            If j - LeftIdx >= 0 Then
                If j - LeftIdx <= THREASHOLD Then
                    ComboInsertionSort IdxList, LeftIdx, j, LngList
                    Stack.Add LeftIdx, CStr(Stack.Count + 1)
                    Stack.Add j, CStr(Stack.Count + 1)
                End If
            End If
        End If
End Sub

Private Sub ComboInsertionSort(ByRef IdxList, ByVal MinIdx&, ByVal MaxIdx&, ByVal LngList As Collection)
    Dim Temp1, Temp2
    Dim i&, j&: j = 1
    For j = MinIdx To MaxIdx
        i = j - 1
        Do While i >= 1
            If LngList(IdxList(i + 1)) > LngList(IdxList(i)) Then
                Temp1 = IdxList(i + 1)
                Temp2 = IdxList(i)
                IdxList.Add Temp2, After:=i + 1
                IdxList.Remove i + 1
                IdxList.Add Temp1, After:=i
                IdxList.Remove i
                Exit Do
            End If
            i = i - 1
End Sub


折れ線化トレランス と 重複判断トレランス の2つのトレランスを持たせているのは、

折れ線化トレランス 0.1 と 0.001 で試した結果がこちらです。

- 265本 -
** Obj Start ** :
POLY_TOL-0.1 : OVER_TOL-0.001
CrvLst- 265個 : 0.143s
RngLst- 265個 : 0.187s
LngLst- 265個 : 0.268s
PolyLst- 265個 : 0.584s
EnumLst- 265個 : 0.598s

** Obj Start ** :
POLY_TOL-0.001 : OVER_TOL-0.001
CrvLst- 265個 : 0.143s
RngLst- 265個 : 0.187s
LngLst- 265個 : 0.272s
PolyLst- 265個 : 3.092s
EnumLst- 265個 : 3.104s

- 3955本 -
** Obj Start ** :
POLY_TOL-0.1 : OVER_TOL-0.001
CrvLst- 3955個 : 2.008s
RngLst- 3955個 : 2.643s
LngLst- 3955個 : 3.953s
PolyLst- 3955個 : 16.375s
EnumLst- 3955個 : 18.51s

** Obj Start ** :
POLY_TOL-0.001 : OVER_TOL-0.001
CrvLst- 3955個 : 2.054s
RngLst- 3955個 : 2.711s
LngLst- 3955個 : 4.029s
PolyLst- 3955個 : 221.812s
EnumLst- 3955個 : 223.93s

折れ線化トレランス(POLY_TOL)を 0.001mmにすると、一気に処理時間が増えます。
原因は曲線の折れ線化のアルゴリズムの悪さです。 が、これ以上の良い方法が

試してはいないのですが、始点パラメータ・終点パラメータ・トレランス を指定してやれば、