ライセンス無しでSTLをCATIAに取り込む - C#ATIA
'VBA - using_Siren Private Const SirenPath$ = "C:\siren\siren_0.11_mingw32\siren" Private Const TempPath$ = "C:\temp\" Private FSO As Object Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Sub CATMain() 'インポートファイル選択 Dim FilePath As String FilePath = CATIA.FileSelectionBox("インポートファイルを選択", "*.stl", CatFileSelectionModeOpen) If Len(FilePath) < 1 Then Exit Sub '準備 Dim T&: T = timeGetTime Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim ScriptName$: ScriptName = "stl2igs.rb" Dim IgesName$: IgesName = FSO.GetBaseName(FilePath) + ".igs" Dim FgName$: FgName = "fg.txt" 'SirenScriptファイル作成 Call WriteFile(TempPath + FgName, "削除しても結構です") Call WriteFile(TempPath + ScriptName, _ Join(GetSirenScript(Replace(FilePath, "\", "/") _ , Replace(TempPath, "\", "/") + IgesName _ , Replace(TempPath, "\", "/") + FgName), vbNewLine)) 'SirenScript実行-Iges作成 Call Execute(TempPath + ScriptName) 'Iges読み込み Call OpenIges(TempPath + IgesName, TempPath + FgName, FSO.GetFile(FilePath).Size) '掃除 Call DeleteFile(TempPath + ScriptName) Call DeleteFile(TempPath + IgesName) Set FSO = Nothing MsgBox CStr(CDbl(timeGetTime - T) / 1000) + "秒" End Sub 'Shell Private Sub Execute(ByVal ScriptPath$) Dim WshShell As Object: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Call WshShell.Run(SirenPath + " " + ScriptPath, 1, False) Set WshShell = Nothing End Sub 'ファイルの書き込み Private Sub WriteFile(ByVal FilePath$, ByVal txts$) Dim Ts As Object: Set Ts = FSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 2, True) Ts.Write txts Set Ts = Nothing End Sub 'ファイルの削除 Private Sub DeleteFile(ByVal FilePath$) If Not FSO.FileExists(FilePath) Then Exit Sub Call FSO.DeleteFile(FilePath) End Sub 'Igesオープン Private Sub OpenIges(ByVal Path$, ByVal Fg$, ByVal Count&) Dim i& For i = 0 To Count If Not FSO.FileExists(Fg) Then Dim doc As Document: Set doc = CATIA.Documents.Open(Path) Set doc = Nothing Exit Sub End If Call Sleep(100) Next End Sub 'SirenScriptベースコード Private Function GetSirenScript(ByVal InPath$, ByVal ExPath$, ByVal FgPath$) As Variant Dim Count&: Count = 4 Dim txts() As String: ReDim txts(Count) txts(0) = "puts" + Chr(34) + "Stl to Iges ...." + Chr(34) txts(1) = "stl = STL.load " + Chr(34) + InPath + Chr(34) txts(2) = " [stl]," + Chr(34) + ExPath + Chr(34) txts(3) = "File.delete " + Chr(34) + FgPath + Chr(34) txts(4) = "puts" + Chr(34) + "OK" + Chr(34) GetSirenScript = txts End Function
やっぱり、 STLをD&D → Iges化 → Part化
良い気がします。 (それにしてもSirenは、すばらしい)