マクロです。 言葉では判りにくい為こんな感じのデータを想定しています。
ボディ - ボディ の最短距離の測定3 - C#ATIA
容易に想像できます。 (リフレームオンとズームと検索の"画面上の表示"等を
調べました。 サンプルコードはこちらです。
'vba GetMinDist_Surfaces Option Explicit Sub CATMain() '準備 Dim Msg$ If CATIA.Documents.Count < 1 Then MsgBox "CATPartファイルを開いてください": Exit Sub End If If Not IsType_Of_T(CATIA.ActiveDocument, "PartDocument") Then MsgBox "CATPartファイルのみ対応しています": Exit Sub End If If Not IsExists(CATIA.ActiveDocument.FullName) Then MsgBox "CATPartファイルを一度保存してください": Exit Sub End If If CATIA.ActiveDocument.Saved = False Then 'Not Ng Msg = "CATPartファイルが修正されている為" + vbNewLine + _ "正しい結果が得られない可能性があります。" + vbNewLine + _ "処理を続けますか?" If MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo) = vbNo Then: Exit Sub End If Dim PDoc As PartDocument: Set PDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument Dim Pt As Part: Set Pt = PDoc.Part '現状の表示所得 Dim OriginalState As Object Set OriginalState = GetShowHide(GetLeafContainer(Pt)) '一個目選択 Msg = "一個目の形状セットを選択して下さい(ESC-キャンセル)" Dim FirstHBody As HybridBody Set FirstHBody = SelectHybridBody(Msg, OriginalState) If IsNothing(FirstHBody) Then Exit Sub '二個目選択 Msg = "二個目の形状セットを選択して下さい(ESC-キャンセル)" Dim SecondHBody As HybridBody Set SecondHBody = SelectHybridBody(Msg, OriginalState, FirstHBody) If IsNothing(SecondHBody) Then Exit Sub CATIA.RefreshDisplay = False '効果薄いなぁ・・・ '既存から Dim TempPDoc As PartDocument Set TempPDoc = InitFromPart(PDoc.FullName) Dim TempPath$: TempPath = TempPDoc.FullName Call WindowMin 'Assy Dim AssyDoc As ProductDocument Set AssyDoc = InitAssy(Array(PDoc, TempPDoc)) If IsNothing(AssyDoc) Then MsgBox "Productが作成出来ませんでした": Exit Sub End If Call WindowMin '一個目測定準備 Call SetLeafHide(PDoc, GetShowHideList(OriginalState, catVisPropertyShowAttr), _ GetInternalName(FirstHBody)) '二個目測定準備 Call SetLeafHide(TempPDoc, GetShowHideList(OriginalState, catVisPropertyShowAttr), _ GetInternalName(SecondHBody)) '距離測定 Dim DistAry As Variant DistAry = GetDistance(AssyDoc.Product, PDoc.Product, TempPDoc.Product) 'Assy終わり Call AssyDoc.Close '既存から終わり Call TempPDoc.Close '削除 If IsExists(TempPath) Then CATIA.FileSystem.DeleteFile (TempPath) End If '表示戻し Call SetShowHide(PDoc, GetShowHideList(OriginalState, catVisPropertyShowAttr), _ catVisPropertyShowAttr) Call SetShowHide(PDoc, GetShowHideList(OriginalState, catVisPropertyNoShowAttr), _ catVisPropertyNoShowAttr) CATIA.RefreshDisplay = True '結果 Select Case True Case IsEmpty(DistAry) MsgBox "測定が出来ませんでした": Exit Sub Case DistAry(0) = 0 MsgBox "接触または干渉しています" Case Else MsgBox "最短距離は" + CStr(DistAry(0)) + "mmです。" End Select '点 Msg = "最短距離(または接触/干渉)となる部分に点を作成しますか?" If MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo) = vbNo Then: Exit Sub Call FirstHBody.AppendHybridShape(InitPnt3D(Pt, GetRangeAry(DistAry, 1, 3))) Call SecondHBody.AppendHybridShape(InitPnt3D(Pt, GetRangeAry(DistAry, 4, 6))) End Sub '*****サポートな関数***** 'Prod間の距離 Private Function GetDistance(ByVal TopAssy As Product, _ ByVal Prod1 As Product, ByVal Prod2 As Product) As Variant GetDistance = Empty Dim Grps As Groups: Set Grps = TopAssy.GetTechnologicalObject("Groups") Dim Grp As Group: Set Grp = Grps.Add Call Grp.AddExplicit(Prod1) Call Grp.AddExplicit(Prod2) Dim Dists As Distances: Set Dists = TopAssy.GetTechnologicalObject("Distances") Dim Dist As Distance: Set Dist = Dists.Add Dist.FirstGroup = Grp Dist.Compute If Dist.IsDefined = 1 Then Dim MinDist(0) As Variant: MinDist(0) = Dist.Value Dim DistVar As Variant: Set DistVar = Dist Dim First(2) As Variant: Call DistVar.GetFirstPointCoordinates(First) GetDistance = JoinAry(MinDist, First) Dim Second(2) As Variant: Call DistVar.GetSecondPointCoordinates(Second) GetDistance = JoinAry(GetDistance, Second) End If Grps.Remove Grp End Function '最新のWindow最小化 Private Sub WindowMin() CATIA.Windows.Item(CATIA.Windows.Count).WindowState = catWindowStateMinimized End Sub '表示されているリスト取得 Private Function GetShowList(ByVal Dic As Object) As Variant GetShowList = GetShowHideList(Dic, catVisPropertyShowAttr) End Function 'ディクショナリから表示/非表示を取得 Private Function GetShowHideList(ByVal Dic As Object, _ ByVal enumShow As CatVisPropertyShow) _ As Variant Dim Keys As Variant: Keys = Dic.Keys Dim Shows() As Variant: ReDim Shows(Dic.Count) Dim Idx&: Idx = -1 Dim I& For I = 0 To Dic.Count - 1 If Dic(Keys(I)) = enumShow Then Idx = Idx + 1 Shows(Idx) = Keys(I) End If Next If Idx < 0 Then GetShowHideList = Empty: Exit Function End If ReDim Preserve Shows(Idx) GetShowHideList = Shows End Function '指定要素以外を非表示 Private Sub SetLeafHide(ByVal Doc As PartDocument, ByVal ConList As Variant, _ ByVal ShowItem$) Call SetShowHide(Doc, ConList, catVisPropertyNoShowAttr) Call SetShowHide(Doc, Array(ShowItem), catVisPropertyShowAttr) End Sub '配列要素を表示/非表示する Private Sub SetShowHide(ByVal Doc As PartDocument, ByVal ShowList As Variant, _ ByVal enumShow As CatVisPropertyShow) If IsEmpty(ShowList) Then Exit Sub Dim Sel As Selection: Set Sel = Doc.Selection Dim Pt As Part: Set Pt = Doc.Part Dim I&, IntName$ CATIA.HSOSynchronized = False Sel.Clear For I = 0 To UBound(ShowList) IntName$ = ShowList(I) Call Sel.Add(Pt.FindObjectByName(IntName)) Next Call Sel.VisProperties.SetShow(enumShow) Sel.Clear CATIA.HSOSynchronized = True End Sub '既存から新作パート Private Function InitFromPart(ByVal Path$) As PartDocument Dim NewName$: NewName = GetNewName(Path) Dim PDoc As PartDocument: Set PDoc = CATIA.Documents.NewFrom(Path) Call PDoc.SaveAs(NewName) Set InitFromPart = PDoc End Function '新作プロダクト Private Function InitAssy(ByVal AryPDoc As Variant) As ProductDocument Set InitAssy = Nothing If Not IsArray(AryPDoc) Then Exit Function Dim AssyDoc As ProductDocument: Set AssyDoc = CATIA.Documents.Add("Product") Dim ProdsVar As Variant: Set ProdsVar = AssyDoc.Product.Products Dim PtsPathVar() As Variant: ReDim PtsPathVar(UBound(AryPDoc)) Dim I& For I = 0 To UBound(AryPDoc) PtsPathVar(I) = AryPDoc(I).FullName Next On Error Resume Next Call ProdsVar.AddComponentsFromFiles(PtsPathVar, "All") On Error GoTo 0 If Err.Number = 0 Then Set InitAssy = AssyDoc Err.Clear End Function '形状セット選択 ネスト深すぎ・・・ Private Function SelectHybridBody(ByVal Msg$, ByVal TrueList As Object, _ Optional ByVal NgHBody As HybridBody) As HybridBody Dim SelHB As HybridBody, SelHB_InName$ Do Set SelHB = SelectItem(Msg, Array("HybridBody")) If IsNothing(SelHB) Then Set SelectHybridBody = Nothing: Exit Function End If SelHB_InName = GetInternalName(SelHB) If TrueList.Exists(SelHB_InName) Then If Not IsNothing(NgHBody) Then If SelHB_InName = GetInternalName(NgHBody) Then MsgBox "既に選択済みです" Else If HasSurFace(SelHB) Then Exit Do Else MsgBox "選択した形状セットには、サーフェスがありません" End If End If Else If HasSurFace(SelHB) Then Exit Do Else MsgBox "選択した形状セットには、サーフェスがありません" End If End If Else MsgBox "Tree直下の形状セットを選択して下さい" End If Loop Set SelectHybridBody = SelHB End Function 'サーフェスを所有しているか? Private Function HasSurFace(ByVal HBody As HybridBody) As Boolean HasSurFace = False '直でShape有り Dim HShapes As HybridShapes: Set HShapes = HBody.HybridShapes If HShapes.Count > 0 Then Dim Pt As Part: Set Pt = GetParent_Of_T(HShapes.Item(1), "Part") Dim Fact As HybridShapeFactory: Set Fact = Pt.HybridShapeFactory Dim Sh As AnyObject For Each Sh In HShapes If Fact.GetGeometricalFeatureType(Sh) = 5 Then HasSurFace = True: Exit Function '発見 End If Next End If 'Surface無しor直でShape無し Dim HBsCount&: HBsCount = HBody.HybridBodies.Count If HBsCount > 0 Then Dim I& For I = 1 To HBsCount HasSurFace = HasSurFace(HBody.HybridBodies.Item(I)) If HasSurFace Then Exit Function '既に発見済み Next End If End Function '表示/非表示取得 Private Function GetShowHide(ByVal Ary As Variant) As Object If Not IsArray(Ary) Then GetShowHide = Empty: Exit Function End If Dim Doc As Document: Set Doc = Ary(0).GetItem("ModelElement").Document Dim Sel As Selection: Set Sel = Doc.Selection Dim Vps As VisPropertySet: Set Vps = Sel.VisProperties Dim SHDic As Object: Set SHDic = InitDic Dim I& Dim ShowState As CatVisPropertyShow CATIA.HSOSynchronized = False For I = 0 To UBound(Ary) With Sel .Clear .Add Ary(I) Call Vps.GetShow(ShowState) SHDic.Add GetInternalName(Ary(I)), ShowState End With Next Sel.Clear CATIA.HSOSynchronized = True Set GetShowHide = SHDic End Function 'Tree直下のボディと形状セット Private Function GetLeafContainer(ByVal Pt As Part) As Variant Dim Bs As Variant: Bs = GetLeafBodies(Pt.Bodies) Dim HBs As Variant: HBs = GetLeafHybridBodies(Pt.HybridBodies) GetLeafContainer = JoinAry(Bs, HBs) End Function 'Tree直下の形状セット Private Function GetLeafHybridBodies(ByVal HBs As HybridBodies) As Variant If HBs.Count < 1 Then GetLeafHybridBodies = Empty: Exit Function End If Dim LHb() As Variant: ReDim LHb(HBs.Count - 1) Dim I& For I = 1 To HBs.Count Set LHb(I - 1) = HBs.Item(I) Next GetLeafHybridBodies = LHb End Function 'Tree直下のボディ Private Function GetLeafBodies(ByVal Bds As Bodies) As Variant Dim Lb() As Variant: ReDim Lb(Bds.Count) Dim LbCount&: LbCount = -1 Dim Bd As Body For Each Bd In Bds If Bd.InBooleanOperation = False Then 'NotはNg LbCount = LbCount + 1 Set Lb(LbCount) = Bd End If Next If LbCount < 0 Then GetLeafBodies = Empty Exit Function End If ReDim Preserve Lb(LbCount) GetLeafBodies = Lb End Function '点の作成 Private Function InitPnt3D(ByVal Pt As Part, ByVal Pos As Variant) As HybridShapePointCoord Dim Fact As HybridShapeFactory: Set Fact = Pt.HybridShapeFactory Dim Pnt As HybridShapePointCoord Set Pnt = Fact.AddNewPointCoord(Pos(0), Pos(1), Pos(2)) Call Pt.UpdateObject(Pnt) Set InitPnt3D = Pnt End Function '*****汎用的な関数***** 'InternalName Private Function GetInternalName(ByVal AOj As AnyObject) As String If IsNothing(AOj) Then GetInternalName = Empty: Exit Function End If GetInternalName = AOj.GetItem("ModelElement").InternalName End Function '選択 Private Function SelectItem(ByVal Msg$, ByVal Filter As Variant) As AnyObject Dim Sel As Variant: Set Sel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection Sel.Clear Select Case Sel.SelectElement2(Filter, Msg, False) Case "Cancel", "Undo", "Redo" Exit Function End Select Set SelectItem = Sel.Item(1).Value Sel.Clear End Function 'T型のParent取得 Nameでのチェックも必要 Private Function GetParent_Of_T(ByVal AnyOj As AnyObject, ByVal t$) As AnyObject If TypeName(AnyOj) = TypeName(AnyOj.Parent) And _ AnyOj.Name = AnyOj.Parent.Name Then Set GetParent_Of_T = Nothing Exit Function End If If TypeName(AnyOj) = t Then Set GetParent_Of_T = AnyOj Else Set GetParent_Of_T = GetParent_Of_T(AnyOj.Parent, t) End If End Function '型チェック Private Function IsType_Of_T(ByVal AnyOj As AnyObject, ByVal t$) As Boolean IsType_Of_T = IIf(TypeName(AnyOj) = t, True, False) End Function '*****システムな関数***** 'Nothing 書き方に統一感が無い為 Private Function IsNothing(ByVal OJ As Variant) As Boolean IsNothing = OJ Is Nothing End Function 'Scripting.Dictionary Private Function InitDic() As Object Set InitDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") End Function '*****配列な関数***** '配列の連結 Private Function JoinAry(ByVal Ary1 As Variant, ByVal Ary2 As Variant) Select Case True Case Not IsArray(Ary1) And Not IsArray(Ary2) JoinAry = Empty: Exit Function Case Not IsArray(Ary1) JoinAry = Ary2: Exit Function Case Not IsArray(Ary2) JoinAry = Ary1: Exit Function End Select Dim StCount&: StCount = UBound(Ary1) ReDim Preserve Ary1(UBound(Ary1) + UBound(Ary2) + 1) Dim I& If IsObject(Ary2(0)) Then For I = StCount + 1 To UBound(Ary1) Set Ary1(I) = Ary2(I - StCount - 1) Next Else For I = StCount + 1 To UBound(Ary1) Ary1(I) = Ary2(I - StCount - 1) Next End If JoinAry = Ary1 End Function '配列の抽出 Private Function GetRangeAry(ByVal Ary As Variant, StartIdx&, ByVal EndIdx&) As Variant If Not IsArray(Ary) Then Exit Function If EndIdx - StartIdx < 0 Then Exit Function If StartIdx < 0 Then Exit Function If EndIdx > UBound(Ary) Then Exit Function Dim RngAry() As Variant: ReDim RngAry(EndIdx - StartIdx) Dim I& For I = StartIdx To EndIdx RngAry(I - StartIdx) = Ary(I) Next GetRangeAry = RngAry End Function '配列のクローン Private Function CloneAry(ByVal Ary As Variant) As Variant If Not IsArray(Ary) Then Exit Function GetRangeAry = GetRangeAry(Ary, 0, UBound(Ary)) End Function '*****IOな関数***** 'FileSystemObject Private Function GetFSO() As Object Set GetFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") End Function 'パス/ファイル名/拡張子 分割 'Return: 0-Path 1-BaseName 2-Extension Private Function SplitPathName(ByVal FullPath) As Variant Dim Path(2) As String With GetFSO Path(0) = .GetParentFolderName(FullPath) Path(1) = .GetBaseName(FullPath) Path(2) = .GetExtensionName(FullPath) End With SplitPathName = Path End Function 'パス/ファイル名/拡張子 連結 Private Function JoinPathName(ByVal Path) As String If Not IsArray(Path) Then Stop '未対応 If Not UBound(Path) = 2 Then Stop '未対応 JoinPathName = Path(0) + "\" + Path(1) + "." + Path(2) End Function 'ファイルの有無 Private Function IsExists(ByVal Path) As Boolean IsExists = GetFSO.FileExists(Path) End Function '重複しない名前取得 Private Function GetNewName(ByVal IgsPath) As String Dim Path As Variant Path = SplitPathName(IgsPath) Dim Ext$: Ext = ".CATPart" Dim NewPath$: NewPath = Path(0) + "\" + Path(1) If Not IsExists(NewPath + Ext) Then GetNewName = NewPath + Ext Exit Function End If Dim I&: I = 0 Dim TempName$ Do I = I + 1 TempName = NewPath + "_" + CStr(I) + Ext If Not IsExists(TempName) Then GetNewName = TempName Exit Function End If Loop End Function