端点一致を探る、組み合わせテスト5 - C#ATIA
'vba test_FindSingle3DCurve Ver0.0.1 using-'KCL0.08' '単独な3D曲線の取得 Option Explicit '*** 設定 *** Private Const Tolerance = 0.001 '端点一致トレランス Private Const SingleCurveFooter = " - SingleCurve!!" '単独曲線名に追記する文字 '************ Sub CATMain() 'ドキュメントのチェック If Not CanExecute(Array("PartDocument", "ProductDocument")) Then Exit Sub Dim msg$ '形状セットの選択 msg = "3D曲線の入っている形状セットを指定してください : ESCキー 終了" Dim Hb As HybridBody Set Hb = KCL.SelectItem(msg, "HybridBody") If KCL.IsNothing(Hb) Then Exit Sub '線の取得 Dim Lines As Collection: Set Lines = GetLines(Hb) If KCL.IsNothing(Lines) Then msg = "指定した' " + Hb.Name + " 'には、3D曲線がありませんでした!" MsgBox msg Exit Sub End If '警告 If Lines.Count > 200 Then msg = CStr(Lines.Count) + "本で実行すると、それなりに時間がかかりますが、実行しますか?" If MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo + vbInformation) = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If '端点座標取得 Dim EndPnts As Collection: Set EndPnts = GetEndPntCoordinates(Lines) '単独曲線インデックス取得 Dim SingleList As Collection: Set SingleList = GetSingleIdx(EndPnts) If SingleList.Count < 1 Then msg = "指定した' " + Hb.Name + " 'には、単独な3D曲線が見つかりませんでした!" + vbNewLine + _ "(トレランス " & Tolerance & " mm)" MsgBox msg Exit Sub End If '確認 msg = SingleList.Count & "本の単独な3D曲線が見つかりました!!" + vbNewLine + _ "名前の最後に ' " + SingleCurveFooter + " ' を追記しますか?" If MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo + vbInformation) = vbNo Then Exit Sub 'リネーム Call AppendName(Lines, SingleList) MsgBox "終了!" End Sub '単独曲線のリネーム Private Sub AppendName(ByVal Lines As Collection, ByVal IdxList As Collection) Dim i For Each i In IdxList With Lines.Item(i) .Name = .Name & SingleCurveFooter End With Next End Sub '初期化済み配列生成 - オブジェクトNG Private Function InitRangeAry(ByVal Count&, ByVal Value As Variant) Dim ary() As Variant: ReDim ary(Count) Dim i& For i = 0 To Count ary(i) = Value Next InitRangeAry = ary End Function '単独曲線インデックス取得 Private Function GetSingleIdx(ByVal EndPnts As Collection) As Collection Dim i&, j& Dim CombAry As Variant: CombAry = InitRangeAry(EndPnts.Count * 0.5, False) For i = 1 To EndPnts.Count For j = i + 1 To EndPnts.Count If EndPnts.Item(i)(1) = EndPnts.Item(j)(1) Then GoTo Continue If IsPosEqual(EndPnts.Item(i)(0), EndPnts.Item(j)(0)) Then CombAry(EndPnts.Item(i)(1)) = True CombAry(EndPnts.Item(j)(1)) = True End If Continue: Next Next Dim SingleIdxList As Collection: Set SingleIdxList = New Collection For i = 1 To UBound(CombAry) If CombAry(i) = False Then SingleIdxList.add i Next Set GetSingleIdx = SingleIdxList End Function '座標値一致 Private Function IsPosEqual(ByVal p1 As Variant, ByVal p2 As Variant) As Boolean IsPosEqual = False Dim i& For i = 0 To 2 If Abs(p2(i) - p1(i)) > Tolerance Then Exit Function Next If Sqr(Abs((p2(0) - p1(0)) * (p2(0) - p1(0)) + _ (p2(1) - p1(1)) * (p2(1) - p1(1)) + _ (p2(2) - p1(2)) * (p2(2) - p1(2)))) < Tolerance Then IsPosEqual = True End If End Function '端点取得 Private Function GetEndPntCoordinates(ByRef Lines As Collection) As Collection Dim Doc As PartDocument: Set Doc = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(Lines.Item(1), "PartDocument") Dim SPAWB As Workbench: Set SPAWB = Doc.GetWorkbench("SPAWorkbench") Dim EndPnt As Collection: Set EndPnt = New Collection Dim Pos(8) As Variant Dim i& For i = 1 To Lines.Count Call SPAWB.GetMeasurable(Lines.Item(i)).GetPointsOnCurve(Pos) EndPnt.add Array(KCL.GetRangeAry(Pos, 0, 2), i) EndPnt.add Array(KCL.GetRangeAry(Pos, 6, 8), i) Next Set GetEndPntCoordinates = EndPnt End Function '線取得 Private Function GetLines(ByVal Hb As HybridBody) As Collection Dim Hss As HybridShapes: Set Hss = Hb.HybridShapes If Hss.Count < 1 Then Exit Function Dim Pt As Part: Set Pt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(Hb, "PartDocument").Part Dim Fact As HybridShapeFactory: Set Fact = Pt.HybridShapeFactory Dim Lines As Collection: Set Lines = New Collection Dim Hs As HybridShape For Each Hs In Hss Select Case Fact.GetGeometricalFeatureType(Hs) Case 2, 3, 4 Lines.add Hs End Select Next Set GetLines = Lines End Function
マクロ実行後、該当する形状セットを指定します。 上記の様な状態の場合
"形状セット.1" を選択した場合は、曲線が無い為マクロを中止します。
場合は "形状セット.2" を指定してください。
"はい" を選択すれば、曲線名にメッセージの文字を追記します。
試しているのですが、隙間だらけって事です。 困っちゃう。