↑タイトル詐欺 主にFusion360API 偶にCATIA V5 VBA(絶賛ネタ切れ中)


2D属性リンクを扱いたい5 属性リンク付き座標テーブル - C#ATIA


'vba AttributeLinkTable Ver0.0.2 using-'KCL0.0.12'  by Kantoku


Private Const KEY_H = "H"               'パラメータ用Hキー
Private Const KEY_V = "V"               'パラメータ用Vキー
Private Const ROWSIZE = 10              'テーブル初期行高さ
Private Const COLUMNSIZE = 35           'テーブル初期列幅

Option Explicit

Sub CATMain()

    If Not CanExecute("DrawingDocument") Then Exit Sub
    Dim dDoc As DrawingDocument
    Set dDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
    Dim msg As String
    msg = "テーブルを作成する、ビューを選択してください /ESC-終了"
    Dim vi As DrawingView
    Set vi = KCL.SelectItem(msg, "DrawingView")
    If vi Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    msg = "平面上の点を含んだ、形状セットを選択してください /ESC-終了"
    Dim hBdy As HybridBody
    Set hBdy = SelectItem4(msg, msg, Array("HybridBody"))
    If hBdy Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Dim lnkPt As Part
    Set lnkPt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(hBdy, "Part")
    If lnkPt Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "形状セットのPartが取得できませんでした"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim prms As Variant
    prms = GetParameters(hBdy)
    If IsEmpty(prms) Then
        msg = "処理すべき点が含まれていませんでした" & vbCrLf & _
        MsgBox msg
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Call InitTable(prms, vi, hBdy.name)
    MsgBox "done : " & KCL.SW_GetTime
End Sub

Private Sub InitTable( _
    ByVal prms As Variant, _
    ByVal vi As DrawingView, _
    ByVal title As String)
    Dim rowcnt As Long
    rowcnt = UBound(prms)
    Dim clmcnt As Long
    clmcnt = UBound(prms(0))
    Dim tbl As DrawingTable
    Set tbl = vi.Tables.Add(0, 0, rowcnt + 2, clmcnt + 1, ROWSIZE, COLUMNSIZE) 

    Dim titles As Variant
    titles = Array(title, KEY_H, KEY_V)
    Dim dt As DrawingText
    Dim c As Long
    For c = 0 To clmcnt
        Set dt = tbl.GetCellObject(1, c + 1)
        dt.Text = titles(c)
    Dim r As Long
    tbl.ComputeMode = CatTableComputeOFF
    For r = 0 To rowcnt
        Set dt = tbl.GetCellObject(r + 2, 1)
        dt.Text = prms(r)(0)
        For c = 1 To clmcnt
            Set dt = tbl.GetCellObject(r + 2, c + 1)
            Call dt.InsertVariable(0, 0, prms(r)(c))
    tbl.ComputeMode = CatTableComputeON
End Sub

Private Function GetParameters( _
    ByVal hBdy As HybridBody) As Variant
    Dim shps As HybridShapes
    Set shps = hBdy.HybridShapes
    Dim lst As Collection
    Set lst = New Collection
    Dim shp As HybridShape
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To shps.Count
        If Not typename(shps.Item(i)) = "HybridShapePointOnPlane" Then
            GoTo continue
        End If
        lst.Add shps.Item(i)
    If lst.Count < 1 Then Exit Function '点なし
    Dim pt As Part
    Set pt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(hBdy, "Part")
    Dim prms As Parameters
    Set prms = pt.Parameters
    Dim ary() As Variant
    ReDim ary(lst.Count - 1)
    Dim baseName As String
    Dim txtH As String
    Dim txtV As String
    Dim prmH As Parameter
    Dim prmV As Parameter
    Dim subLst As Parameters
    Dim cnt As Long
    cnt = -1
    For i = 1 To lst.Count
        Set subLst = prms.SubList(lst.Item(i), False)
        baseName = subLst.GetNameToUseInRelation(lst.Item(i))
        txtH = Left(baseName, Len(baseName) - 1) & _
            "\" & KEY_H & Right(baseName, 1)
        txtV = Left(baseName, Len(baseName) - 1) & _
            "\" & KEY_V & Right(baseName, 1)
        Set prmH = GetParameter(txtH, subLst)
        Set prmV = GetParameter(txtV, subLst)
        If (Not prmH Is Nothing) And (Not prmV Is Nothing) Then
            ary(i - 1) = Array(lst.Item(i).name, prmH, prmV)
            cnt = cnt + 1
        End If
    If cnt < 0 Then Exit Function '点なし
    If Not UBound(ary) = cnt Then
        ReDim Preserve ary(cnt)
    End If
    GetParameters = ary
End Function

Private Function GetParameter( _
    ByVal key As String, _
    ByVal params As Parameters) As Parameter
    Set GetParameter = Nothing
    Dim prm As Parameter
    Err.Number = 0
    On Error Resume Next
        Set prm = params.Item(key)
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set GetParameter = prm
End Function

Private Function SelectItem4( _
    ByVal msg1 As String, _
    ByVal msg2 As String, _
    ByVal filter As Variant) As AnyObject
    Dim sel As Variant
    Set sel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.selection
    Dim targetDoc As Variant 'Document 型指定Ng
    Select Case sel.SelectElement4(filter, msg1, msg2, _
                                   False, targetDoc)
        Case "Cancel", "Undo", "Redo"
            Exit Function
    End Select
    Dim tgtSel As selection
    Set tgtSel = targetDoc.selection
    Set SelectItem4 = tgtSel.Item2(1).Value
End Function

たった19個ですが0.2秒程。 でも昨日は1分近くかかってました。



    Dim r As Long
    tbl.ComputeMode = CatTableComputeOFF
    tbl.ComputeMode = CatTableComputeON



    Dim prmH As Parameter
    Dim prmV As Parameter
    Dim subLst As Parameters
    Dim cnt As Long
    cnt = -1
    For i = 1 To lst.Count
        Set subLst = prms.SubList(lst.Item(i), False)'←ここの効果が絶大
        baseName = subLst.GetNameToUseInRelation(lst.Item(i))
        txtH = Left(baseName, Len(baseName) - 1) & _
            "\" & KEY_H & Right(baseName, 1)
        txtV = Left(baseName, Len(baseName) - 1) & _
            "\" & KEY_V & Right(baseName, 1)
        Set prmH = GetParameter(txtH, subLst)
        Set prmV = GetParameter(txtV, subLst)

Efficiently navigating parameter collections | CATIA V5 Automation


DrawingTableのSetCellObjectメソッド機能していない - C#ATIA