Drawで連番の文字を作る - C#ATIA
形状セット内に "平面上" で作成された大量の点があり、
'vba Draw_PointName_ver0.0.1 using-'KCL0.0.12' by Kantoku Option Explicit Sub CATMain() 'ドキュメントのチェック If Not CanExecute("DrawingDocument") Then Exit Sub '選択 Dim msg As String msg = "平面上の点を含んだ、形状セットを選択してください /ESC-終了" Dim res As Variant res = SelectItem4_Part(msg, msg, Array("HybridBody")) If IsEmpty(res) Then Exit Sub Dim hBdy As HybridBody Set hBdy = res(0) Dim pt As part Set pt = res(1) Dim infos As Collection Set infos = getPointInfos(hBdy.HybridShapes, pt) If infos.Count < 1 Then msg = "配置する要素がありません!" MsgBox msg Exit Sub End If 'exec Call initTxts(hBdy.name, infos) End Sub Private Sub initTxts( _ ByVal vName As String, _ ByVal infos As Collection) Dim vw As DrawingView Set vw = initView(vName) Dim txts As DrawingTexts Set txts = vw.Texts Dim info As Collection For Each info In infos Call txts.Add(info(1), info(2), info(3)) Next End Sub Private Function initView( _ ByVal vName As String) As DrawingView Dim doc As DrawingDocument Set doc = CATIA.ActiveDocument Dim views As DrawingViews Set views = doc.Sheets.ActiveSheet.views Set initView = views.Add("From_" & vName) End Function 'return:list(list(str,double,double)) Private Function getPointInfos( _ ByVal hShas As HybridShapes, _ ByVal pt As part) As Collection Dim prms As Parameters Set prms = pt.Parameters Dim lst As Collection Set lst = New Collection Dim itm As AnyObject Dim prmH As Parameter Dim prmV As Parameter Dim subLst As Parameters Dim info As Collection For Each itm In hShas If typename(itm) = "HybridShapePointTangent" Then Set subLst = prms.SubList(itm, False) Set prmH = GetParameter("H", subLst) Set prmV = GetParameter("V", subLst) Set info = New Collection With info .Add itm.name .Add prmH.Value .Add prmV.Value End With lst.Add info End If Next Set getPointInfos = lst End Function 'パラメータ取得 Private Function GetParameter( _ ByVal key As String, _ ByVal params As Parameters) As Parameter Set GetParameter = Nothing Dim prm As Parameter Err.Number = 0 On Error Resume Next Set prm = params.Item(key) On Error GoTo 0 Set GetParameter = prm End Function 'SelectElement4 'pram:filter-AryVariant(string) 'return:ary(anyobj,part) Private Function SelectItem4_Part( _ ByVal msg1 As String, _ ByVal msg2 As String, _ ByVal filter As Variant) As Variant Dim sel As Variant Set sel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.selection Dim targetDoc As Variant 'Document 型指定Ng sel.Clear Select Case sel.SelectElement4(filter, msg1, msg2, _ False, targetDoc) Case "Cancel", "Undo", "Redo" Exit Function End Select Dim tgtSel As selection Set tgtSel = targetDoc.selection Dim ary(1) Set ary(0) = tgtSel.Item2(1).Value Set ary(1) = tgtSel.Parent.part SelectItem4_Part = ary sel.Clear tgtSel.Clear End Function
出来上がるビューの名前は "From_(選択した形状セット名)" です。