↑タイトル詐欺 主にFusion360API 偶にCATIA V5 VBA(絶賛ネタ切れ中)


DrawingTextの中心座標を取得したい との記載を見て思い付きで書きました。
Size of the textbox on a drawing - DASSAULT: CATIA products - Eng-Tips
最初に、”遅いよ” って書いたんですけどね。




ん~ エラーにはなるものの削除は出来てます。
仕方ないので On Error Resume Next でエラーを回避するように

COE : Forums : Text box size
どうやっているのかな? と思い見てみると
やっぱり On Error Resume Next してます・・・。


VBA 言語環境による挙動の違い

draw with a catia all the Dual Geodesic Icosahedra - DASSAULT: CATIA products - Eng-Tips




Dual Geodesic Icosahedra3

Dual Geodesic Icosahedra2 - C#ATIA

3D CAD Model Collection | GrabCAD Community Library

Visual PolyhedraのサイトにUpされている座標データの中に

Solved: How to remove inner sketch lines from an intersection sketch? - Autodesk Community

Upしたマクロファイルの "SurfaceFactory.cls" ですが(生意気なネーミングで申し訳ないのです)

3D点:array(double,double,double) でXYZの順です。都合上ArrayVariantです。

一枚だけ面を作成したい場合は、ary(ary,・・・) な感じです。

Sub Example_Single()
    Dim doc As PartDocument: Set doc = CATIA.Documents.Add("Part")
    Dim pos As Variant
    pos = Array(Array(0, 0, 0), Array(1, 0, 0), Array(0, 1, 0))
    Dim surfFact As SurfaceFactory: Set surfFact = New SurfaceFactory
    Call surfFact.SetPartDoc(doc)
    '座標値から面を作成 - 形状セットには入りません!
    '戻りは HybridShapeSurfaceExplicit
    Dim surf As HybridShapeSurfaceExplicit
    Set surf = surfFact.CreateSurf(pos)
    Dim hBody As HybridBody: Set hBody = doc.Part.hybridBodies.Add()
    Call hBody.AppendHybridShape(surf)
    'インスタンス破棄 - 破棄することで内部の一時的なものを削除します。
    Set surfFact = Nothing
End Sub

複数面であれば、ary(ary(ary,・・・),・・・) な感じです。

Sub Example_Multi()
    Dim doc As PartDocument: Set doc = CATIA.Documents.Add("Part")
    Dim posary As Variant
    posary = Array( _
                Array(Array(0, 0, 0), Array(1, 0, 0), Array(0, 1, 0)), _
                Array(Array(0, 0, 0), Array(0, 1, 0), Array(-1, 1, 0)), _
                Array(Array(0, 0, 0), Array(-1, 0, 0), Array(0, -1, 0)), _
                Array(Array(0, 0, 0), Array(0, -1, 0), Array(1, -1, 0)))
    Dim surfFact As SurfaceFactory: Set surfFact = New SurfaceFactory
    Call surfFact.SetPartDoc(doc)
    '座標値郡から面郡を作成 - 形状セットには入りません!
    '戻りは Collectiont
    Dim surfs As Collection
    Set surfs = surfFact.CreateSurfs(posary)
    Dim hBody As HybridBody: Set hBody = doc.Part.hybridBodies.Add()
    Dim surf As HybridShapeSurfaceExplicit
    For Each surf In surfs
        Call hBody.AppendHybridShape(surf)
    'インスタンス破棄 - 破棄することで内部の一時的なものを削除します。
    Set surfFact = Nothing
End Sub

流用可能です。 恐らく使わないですが。


こちらの続き? です。
ThickOnTheFly1 - C#ATIA

'vba using-'KCL0.0.12'

Private Const MaxLng = 2000000#
Private Const MinLng = 0.002

Sub CATMain()
    Dim Sel 'As Selection
    Set Sel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
    Dim Pt As Part
    Set Pt = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part
    Dim PlaneXY As AnyObject
    Set PlaneXY = Pt.OriginElements.PlaneXY
    Dim fact As HybridShapeFactory
    Set fact = Pt.HybridShapeFactory
    Dim Status 'As Long
    Dim WindowLocation2D(1)
    Dim WindowLocation3D(2)
    Dim ObjectSelected
    Dim Hb As HybridBody
    Set Hb = Pt.hybridBodies.Add
    Dim Bd As Body
    Set Bd = KCL.SelectItem("body", "Body")
    Dim LastShape As Shape
    Set LastShape = Bd.Shapes.Item(Bd.Shapes.Count)
    Dim RefShape As Reference
    Set RefShape = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(LastShape)
    Dim ShapeSrf As HybridShape: Set ShapeSrf = CreateExtract(Pt, fact, RefShape)
    Dim RefShapeSrf As Reference: Set RefShapeSrf = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(ShapeSrf)
    Dim OnBdyLst As Collection: Set OnBdyLst = New Collection
    Dim ori As HybridShape: Set ori = CreatePnt(Pt, fact, Array(0#, 0#, 0#))
    Call Pt.UpdateObject(ori)
    Dim RefOri As Reference: Set RefOri = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(ori)
    Dim PntCam As HybridShape: Set PntCam = CreatePnt(Pt, fact, Array(0#, 0#, 0#))
    Dim RefCam As Reference: Set RefCam = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(PntCam)
    Dim PntTgt As HybridShape: Set PntTgt = CreatePnt(Pt, fact, Array(0#, 0#, 1#))
    Dim RefTgt As Reference: Set RefTgt = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(PntTgt)
    Dim CamUnitVec As HybridShape: Set CamUnitVec = CreatePnt(Pt, fact, Array(0#, 0#, 1#))
    Dim RefCamUnitVec As Reference: Set RefCamUnitVec = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(CamUnitVec)
    Dim UnitLin As HybridShape: Set UnitLin = CreateLine(Pt, fact, RefOri, RefCamUnitVec, 0#, 0#)
    Dim RefUnitLin As Reference: Set RefUnitLin = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(UnitLin)
    Call OnBdyLst.Add(UnitLin)
    Dim CamVec As HybridShape: Set CamVec = CreateDirection(fact, RefUnitLin)
    Dim RefCamVec As Reference: Set RefCamVec = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(CamVec)
    Call OnBdyLst.Add(CamVec)
    Dim LinVew As HybridShape: Set LinVew = CreateExtrude(fact, RefTgt, CamVec, MaxLng, MaxLng)
    Dim RefVew As Reference: Set RefVew = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(LinVew)
    Call OnBdyLst.Add(LinVew)
    Dim Isc As HybridShape: Set Isc = GetIntersect(fact, RefShapeSrf, RefVew)
    Dim RefIsc As Reference: Set RefIsc = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(Isc)
    Call OnBdyLst.Add(Isc)
    Dim Near As HybridShape: Set Near = GetNear(fact, RefIsc, RefCam)
    Dim RefNer As Reference: Set RefNer = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(Near)
    Call OnBdyLst.Add(Near)
    Hb.AppendHybridShape Near: Call SetColor(Near)
    Dim Rev As Boolean: Rev = True 'これいらないかも
    Dim Nml As HybridShape: Set Nml = CreateNormal(fact, RefShapeSrf, RefNer, MinLng, MaxLng, Rev)
    Dim RefNml As Reference: Set RefNml = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(Nml)
    Call OnBdyLst.Add(Nml)
    Dim NmlPnt As HybridShapePointOnCurve: Set NmlPnt = CreatePntOnCrv(fact, RefNml, 0#, Rev) '***********
    Dim RefNmlPnt As Reference: Set RefNmlPnt = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(NmlPnt)
    Call OnBdyLst.Add(NmlPnt)
    Dim ThickLst As Collection: Set ThickLst = New Collection
    Dim ThkIsc As HybridShape: Set ThkIsc = GetIntersect(fact, RefShapeSrf, RefNml)
    Dim RefThkIsc As Reference: Set RefThkIsc = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(ThkIsc)
    Call ThickLst.Add(ThkIsc)
    Dim ThkPnt As HybridShape: Set ThkPnt = GetNear(fact, RefThkIsc, RefNer)
    Dim RefThkPnt As Reference: Set RefThkPnt = Pt.CreateReferenceFromGeometry(ThkPnt)
    Call ThickLst.Add(ThkPnt)
    Hb.AppendHybridShape ThkPnt: Call SetColor(ThkPnt)
    Dim vp As Variant ' Viewpoint3D
    Set vp = GetViewPnt3D
    Dim origin(2) As Variant:
    Dim sight(2) As Variant
    Dim Thi$: Thi = "0"
        Status = Sel.IndicateOrSelectElement3D(PlaneXY, "t=" & Thi, Array("HybridShapePointCoord"), True, True, True, ObjectSelected, WindowLocation2D, WindowLocation3D)

        Select Case Status
            Case "Cancel"
                Exit Do
            Case "Normal"
            Case "MouseMove"
                Call vp.GetOrigin(origin)
                Call UpdatePnt(Pt, PntCam, origin)
                Call UpdatePnt(Pt, PntTgt, WindowLocation3D)
                Call vp.GetSightDirection(sight)
                Call UpdatePnt(Pt, CamUnitVec, sight)
                If TryUpdate(Pt, OnBdyLst) Then
                    Debug.Print GetMinLng(Pt, RefShape, RefNmlPnt)
                    If Not GetMinLng(Pt, RefShape, RefNmlPnt) = 0 Then
                        Nml.Orientation = IIf(Nml.Orientation = 1, -1, 1)
                        Call Pt.UpdateObject(Nml)
                        NmlPnt.Orientation = Nml.Orientation
                        Call Pt.UpdateObject(NmlPnt)
                    End If
                    If TryUpdate(Pt, ThickLst) Then
                        Thi = CStr(GetMinLng(Pt, RefNer, RefThkPnt))
                    End If
                End If
        End Select
End Sub

Private Sub SetColor(ByVal Shp As AnyObject)
    With CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
        .Add Shp
        .VisProperties.SetRealColor 0, 255, 0, 1
        .VisProperties.SetSymbolType 4
    End With
End Sub

Private Function CreateExtrude( _
                    ByVal fact As HybridShapeFactory, _
                    ByVal Ref As Reference, _
                    ByVal Dir As HybridShapeDirection, _
                    ByVal StLng As Double, _
                    ByVal EdLng As Double) As HybridShape
    Set CreateExtrude = fact.AddNewExtrude(Ref, StLng, EdLng, Dir)
End Function

Private Function CreateDirection( _
                    ByVal fact As HybridShapeFactory, _
                    ByVal Ref As Reference) As HybridShape
    Set CreateDirection = fact.AddNewDirection(Ref)
End Function

Private Function TryUpdate( _
                    ByVal Pt As Part, _
                    ByRef LstObj As Collection) As Boolean
    TryUpdate = False
    Dim Shp As HybridShape
    On Error Resume Next
        For Each Shp In LstObj
            Call Pt.UpdateObject(Shp)
            If Not Err.Number = 0 Then
                Err.Number = 0
                Exit Function
            End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    TryUpdate = True
End Function

Private Function CreatePntOnCrv( _
                    ByVal fact As HybridShapeFactory, _
                    ByVal CrvRef As Reference, _
                    ByVal Lng As Double, _
                    ByVal Rev As Boolean) As Reference
    Dim Pnt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
    Set Pnt = fact.AddNewPointOnCurveFromDistance(CrvRef, Lng, Rev)
    Set CreatePntOnCrv = Pnt
End Function

Private Function CreateNormal( _
                    ByVal fact As HybridShapeFactory, _
                    ByVal SurfRef As Reference, _
                    ByVal pntRef As Reference, _
                    ByVal SLng As Double, _
                    ByVal ELng As Double, _
                    ByVal Rev As Boolean) As Reference
    Dim Lin As HybridShapeLineNormal
    Set Lin = fact.AddNewLineNormal(SurfRef, pntRef, SLng, ELng, Rev)
    Set CreateNormal = Lin
End Function

Private Function CreateExtract( _
                    ByVal Pt As Part, _
                    ByVal fact As HybridShapeFactory, _
                    ByVal Ref As Reference) As HybridShape
    Dim HSExt As HybridShapeExtract
    Set HSExt = fact.AddNewExtract(Ref)
    With HSExt
        .PropagationType = 3
        .ComplementaryExtract = False
        .IsFederated = False
    End With
    Call Pt.UpdateObject(HSExt)
    Set CreateExtract = HSExt
End Function

Private Function GetNear( _
                    ByVal fact As HybridShapeFactory, _
                    ByVal InterRef As Reference, _
                    ByVal pntRef As Reference) ' As Reference
    Dim Near As HybridShapeNear
    Set Near = fact.AddNewNear(InterRef, pntRef)

    Set GetNear = Near
End Function

Private Function GetIntersect( _
                    ByVal fact As HybridShapeFactory, _
                    ByVal ShpRef As Reference, _
                    ByVal LinRef As Reference) ' As Reference
    Set GetIntersectRef = Nothing
    Dim Inter As HybridShapeIntersection
    Set Inter = fact.AddNewIntersection(ShpRef, LinRef)
    Inter.PointType = 0
    Set GetIntersect = Inter
End Function

Private Function GetMinLng( _
                    ByVal Pt As Part, _
                    ByVal Ref1 As Reference, _
                    ByVal Ref2 As Reference) As Double
    GetMinLng = MaxLng '-1
    On Error Resume Next
        GetMinLng = Pt.Parent.GetWorkbench("SPAWorkbench") _
                         .GetMeasurable(Ref1) _
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Private Sub UpdatePnt( _
                    ByVal Pt As Part, _
                    ByRef Pnt As Variant, _
                    ByVal Pos As Variant)
    Call Pnt.SetCoordinates(Pos)
    Call Pt.UpdateObject(Pnt)
End Sub

Private Function CreatePnt( _
                    ByVal Pt As Part, _
                    ByVal fact As HybridShapeFactory, _
                    ByVal Ary As Variant) As HybridShape
    Dim Pnt As HybridShapePointCoord
    Set Pnt = fact.AddNewPointCoord(Ary(0), Ary(1), Ary(2))
    Call Pt.UpdateObject(Pnt)
    Set CreatePnt = Pnt
End Function

Private Function CreateLine( _
                    ByVal Pt As Part, _
                    ByVal fact As HybridShapeFactory, _
                    ByVal Ref1 As Reference, _
                    ByVal Ref2 As Reference, _
                    ByVal StLng As Double, _
                    ByVal EdLng As Double) As HybridShape
    Dim Lin As HybridShapeLinePtPt
    Set Lin = fact.AddNewLinePtPtExtended(Ref1, Ref2, StLng, EdLng)
    Call Pt.UpdateObject(Lin)
    Set CreateLine = Lin
End Function

Private Sub UpdateScene(ByVal Scene As Variant)
    Dim Viewer As Viewer3D: Set Viewer = CATIA.ActiveWindow.activeviewer
    Dim VPnt3D As Variant 'Viewpoint3D
    Set VPnt3D = Viewer.Viewpoint3D
    Dim Ary As Variant
    Ary = KCL.GetRangeAry(Scene, 0, 2)
    Call VPnt3D.PutOrigin(Ary)
    Ary = KCL.GetRangeAry(Scene, 3, 5)
    Call VPnt3D.PutSightDirection(Ary)
    Ary = KCL.GetRangeAry(Scene, 6, 8)
    Call VPnt3D.PutUpDirection(Ary)
    VPnt3D.FieldOfView = Scene(9)
    VPnt3D.FocusDistance = Scene(10)
    Call Viewer.Update
End Sub

Private Function GetScene3D(ViewPnt3D As Viewpoint3D) As Variant
    Dim vp As Variant: Set vp = ViewPnt3D
    Dim origin(2) As Variant: Call vp.GetOrigin(origin)
    Dim sight(2) As Variant: Call vp.GetSightDirection(sight)
    GetScene3D = KCL.JoinAry(origin, sight)
    Dim up(2) As Variant: Call vp.GetUpDirection(up)
    GetScene3D = KCL.JoinAry(GetScene3D, up)
    Dim FieldOfView(0) As Variant: FieldOfView(0) = vp.FieldOfView
    GetScene3D = KCL.JoinAry(GetScene3D, FieldOfView)
    Dim FocusDist(0) As Variant: FocusDist(0) = vp.FocusDistance
    GetScene3D = KCL.JoinAry(GetScene3D, FocusDist)
End Function

Private Function GetViewPnt3D() As Viewpoint3D
    Set GetViewPnt3D = CATIA.ActiveWindow.activeviewer.Viewpoint3D
End Function



こちらのサイトの "RAY法" になるのだと思います。
GeomCaliper | ジオムキャリパー | CATIA V5モデルの肉厚の測定と表示 | アイコクアルファ株式会社
本当は "Sphere法" を行いたいのですが、アルゴリズムが良くわからないんです。



DMUスペースアナリシスのセッション - C#ATIA

結論から書くと、当方は素のHD2で DMU スペース・アナリシス のライセンス無しですが

  Set s = Sect.Export



'vba sample_GuideCurve_DMU_Sections_ver0.0.1  using-'KCL0.0.12'  by Kantoku

Option Explicit

Const DeflutSplitCount = 3 '分割数デフォルト

Sub CATMain()

    If Not CanExecute("ProductDocument") Then Exit Sub
    Dim SelElm As SelectedElement
    Set SelElm = SelectGuideCurve()
    If SelElm Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    Dim SplitCount As Long
    SplitCount = InputSplitCount(DeflutSplitCount)
    If SplitCount < 1 Then Exit Sub
    Dim Ratios As Collection
    Set Ratios = InitRange(SplitCount)
    Dim AryMat As Variant
    AryMat = GetMat3dLst(SelElm, Ratios)
    Dim Prod As Product
    Set Prod = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
    Dim Sects As Object 'Sections
    Set Sects = Prod.GetTechnologicalObject("Sections")
    Dim SectDocs As Collection
    Set SectDocs = GetSectionDoc(Sects, AryMat)
    Dim IptProd As Product
    Set IptProd = Prod.Products.AddNewComponent("Product", "")
    Call InportDoc(IptProd, SectDocs)
    Call Sects.Remove(Sects.Count)
    MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Private Sub InportDoc(ByRef Prod As Product, ByRef SectDocs As Collection)
    Dim ProdsVar As Variant
    Set ProdsVar = Prod.Products
    Dim Doc As PartDocument
    For Each Doc In SectDocs
        ProdsVar.AddComponent Doc.Product
End Sub

Private Function GetSectionDoc(ByVal Sects As Object, _
                               ByVal AryMat As Variant) As Collection
    Dim Sect As Object 'Section
    Set Sect = InitSection(Sects)
    Dim Docs As Collection
    Set Docs = New Collection
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To UBound(AryMat)
        Call Sect.SetPosition(AryMat(i))
        If Not Sect.IsEmpty Then
            Call Docs.Add(Sect.Export())
        End If
    Set GetSectionDoc = Docs
End Function

'Section OJ
Private Function InitSection(ByVal Sects As Object) As Object 'Section
    Call Sects.Add
    Dim Sect As Object 'Section
    Set Sect = Sects.Item(Sects.Count)
    Sect.Behavior = 1
    '0-without clipping  1-clipping
    Sect.CutMode = 0
    Set InitSection = Sect
End Function

Private Function GetMat3dLst(ByVal CrvElm As SelectedElement, _
                             ByVal Ratios As Collection) As Variant
    Dim Pt As Part
    Set Pt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(CrvElm.value, "Part")
    Dim Pnt As Variant 'HybridShapePointOnCurve
    Set Pnt = InitCrvOnPnt(CrvElm)
    Dim Pln As Variant 'HybridShapePlaneNormal
    Set Pln = InitCrvOnPlane(CrvElm, Pnt)
    Dim Drt As HybridShapeDirection
    Set Drt = InitDirection(Pln, Pt)
    Dim ratio As RealParam
    Set ratio = Pnt.ratio
    Dim AryMat() As Variant
    ReDim AryMat(Ratios.Count - 1)
    Dim Mat(11) As Variant
    Dim Ary(3) As Variant
    Dim idx As Long
    idx = 0
    Dim v As Variant
    For Each v In Ratios
        ratio.value = v
        Call Pt.UpdateObject(Pnt)
        Call Pt.UpdateObject(Pln)
        Call Pt.UpdateObject(Drt)
        Call Pln.GetFirstAxis(Mat)
        Call Pln.GetSecondAxis(Ary)
        Mat(3) = Ary(0)
        Mat(4) = Ary(1)
        Mat(5) = Ary(2)
        Mat(6) = Drt.GetXVal
        Mat(7) = Drt.GetYVal
        Mat(8) = Drt.GetZVal
        Call Pnt.GetCoordinates(Ary)
        Mat(9) = Ary(0)
        Mat(10) = Ary(1)
        Mat(11) = Ary(2)
        AryMat(idx) = Mat
        idx = idx + 1
    GetMat3dLst = AryMat
    Dim fact As HybridShapeFactory
    Set fact = Pt.HybridShapeFactory
    Call fact.DeleteObjectForDatum(Drt)
    Call fact.DeleteObjectForDatum(Pln)
    Call fact.DeleteObjectForDatum(Pnt)
End Function

Private Function InitRange(ByVal Count As Long) As Collection
    Dim Lst As Collection
    Set Lst = New Collection
    Dim stp As Double
    stp = 1# / (Count + 1)
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To Count + 1
        Lst.Add i * stp
    Set InitRange = Lst
End Function

Private Function InitDirection(ByVal Pln As HybridShapePlaneNormal, _
                               ByVal Pt As Part) _
                               As HybridShapeDirection
    Dim fact As HybridShapeFactory
    Set fact = Pt.HybridShapeFactory

    Dim Ref As Reference
    Set Ref = Pt.CreateReferenceFromObject(Pln)
    Dim Drt As HybridShapeDirection
    Set Drt = fact.AddNewDirection(Ref)
    Call Pt.UpdateObject(Drt)
    Set InitDirection = Drt
End Function

Private Function InitCrvOnPlane(ByVal CrvElm As SelectedElement, _
                                ByVal Pnt As HybridShapePointOnCurve) _
                                As HybridShapePlaneNormal
    Dim Pt As Part
    Set Pt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(CrvElm.value, "Part")
    Dim fact As HybridShapeFactory
    Set fact = Pt.HybridShapeFactory

    Dim Ref As Reference
    Set Ref = Pt.CreateReferenceFromObject(Pnt)

    Dim Pln As HybridShapePlaneNormal
    Set Pln = fact.AddNewPlaneNormal(CrvElm.Reference, Ref)

    Call Pt.UpdateObject(Pln)
    Set InitCrvOnPlane = Pln
End Function

Private Function InitCrvOnPnt(ByVal CrvElm As SelectedElement) _
                              As HybridShapePointOnCurve
    Dim Pt As Part
    Set Pt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(CrvElm.value, "Part")
    Dim fact As HybridShapeFactory
    Set fact = Pt.HybridShapeFactory

    Dim Pnt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
    Set Pnt = fact.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(CrvElm.Reference, 0, False)
    Call Pt.UpdateObject(Pnt)
    Set InitCrvOnPnt = Pnt
End Function

Private Function InputSplitCount(ByVal def As Long) As Long
    Dim msg As String
    Dim tmp As Variant
    msg = "分割数を指定してください / 空白で終了" & vbCrLf & "両端は作成します"
        tmp = InputBox(msg, , def)
        Select Case True
            Case tmp = vbNullString
                InputSplitCount = -1
                Exit Function
            Case IsNumeric(tmp)
                If tmp >= 1 Then
                    InputSplitCount = CLng(tmp)
                    Exit Function
                End If
        End Select
        MsgBox "1以上の数字を入力して下さい", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
End Function

Private Function SelectGuideCurve() As SelectedElement
    Set SelectGuideCurve = Nothing
    Dim msg$
    msg = "ガイドラインを選択してください : ESCキー 終了"
    Dim SelElm As SelectedElement
    Dim Pt As Part
    Dim fact As HybridShapeFactory
    Dim Hs As HybridShape
        Set SelElm = KCL.SelectElement(msg, "HybridShape")
        If SelElm Is Nothing Then Exit Function
        Set Hs = SelElm.value
        Set Pt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(Hs, "Part")
        Set fact = Pt.HybridShapeFactory
        Select Case fact.GetGeometricalFeatureType(SelElm.Reference)
            Case 2, 3, 4
                Set SelectGuideCurve = SelElm
                Exit Function
            Case Else
                MsgBox "直線,円弧,曲線 を選択してください"
        End Select
End Function

ガイドラインを指定しラインの分割数を入力する事で分割数 + 始点 + 終点 分の


imihitoさん、h2さん の情報無しではここまで出来ませんでしたよ。


技術的なオブジェクト?1 - C#ATIA



Sub CATMain()
    Dim Prod As Product
    Set Prod = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
    Dim Sects As Object 'Sections
    Set Sects = Prod.GetTechnologicalObject("Sections")
    Call Sects.Add
    Dim Sect As Object 'Section
    Set Sect = Sects.Item(Sects.Count)
    Sect.Behavior = 1
    '0-without clipping  1-clipping
    Sect.CutMode = 1
    Dim Mat(11) As Variant ' Double
    Call Sect.GetPosition(Mat)
    Mat(11) = Mat(11) + 1#
    Call Sect.SetPosition(Mat)

    'Call Sec.Export

End Sub





オフセット平面をリネーム - C#ATIA



'vba Part_OffsetPleneRename_ver0.0.2  using-'KCL0.0.12'  by Kantoku
Option Explicit

Sub CATMain()
    If Not CanExecute("PartDocument,ProductDocument") Then Exit Sub
    Dim Msg As String
    Msg = "オフセット平面を選択して下さい : ESCキー 終了"
    Dim Pln As Plane
    Dim NewName As String
        Set Pln = KCL.SelectItem(Msg, "Plane")
        If Pln Is Nothing Then Exit Do
        If Not (TypeOf Pln Is HybridShapePlaneOffset) Then
            MsgBox "指定面はオフセット平面ではありません"
            GoTo Continue
        End If
        If InStr(Pln.Plane.DisplayName, "RSur:") > 0 Then
            NewName = GetAxisPlaneName(Pln)
            If Len(NewName) < 1 Then
                MsgBox "参照面が平面ではありません"
                GoTo Continue
            End If
            NewName = GetPlaneName(Pln.Plane)
        End If
        With Pln
            .Name = NewName & _
                    Num2Str(.Offset.Value * .Orientation)
        End With
End Sub

Private Function GetAxisPlaneName(ByVal Pln As Plane) As String
    GetAxisPlaneName = vbNullString
    Dim info As Variant
    info = GetBrepInfo(Pln.Plane.DisplayName)
    Dim pt As Part
    Set pt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(Pln, "Part")
    Dim inter As String
    Dim ax As AxisSystem
    Dim hit As AxisSystem: Set hit = Nothing
    For Each ax In pt.AxisSystems
        inter = KCL.GetInternalName(ax)
        If inter = info(0) Then
            Set hit = ax
            Exit For
        End If
    If hit Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    Dim direction As String
    Select Case info(1)
        Case 1 'XY平面
            direction = "Z"
        Case 2 'YZ平面
            direction = "X"
        Case 3 'ZX平面
            direction = "Y"
        Case Else
    End Select
    GetAxisPlaneName = hit.Name & "_" & direction & "="
End Function

Private Function GetBrepInfo(ByVal BrepName As String) As Variant
    Dim tmp As Variant
    tmp = Split(BrepName, "RSur:(Face:(Brp:(")
    tmp = Split(tmp(1), ")")
    GetBrepInfo = Split(tmp(0), ";")
End Function

Private Function Num2Str(ByVal Num As Double) As String
    Num2Str = IIf(Num > 0, "+", "") & CStr(Num)
End Function
Private Function GetPlaneName(ByVal RefPlnName As Reference) As String
    Select Case RefPlnName.DisplayName
        Case "xy plane", "XY平面"
            GetPlaneName = "Z="
        Case "yz plane", "YZ平面"
            GetPlaneName = "X="
        Case "zx plane", "ZX平面"
            GetPlaneName = "Y="
        Case Else
            GetPlaneName = RefPlnName.DisplayName
    End Select
End Function

座標系からXY,YZ,ZXの各平面のリファレンスを取得2(InternalName) - C#ATIA
