Drawのテキストサイズの取得 - C#ATIA
'vba 'ざっくりバルーン領域 Option Explicit Sub CATMain() Dim dDoc As DrawingDocument Set dDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument Dim sel As Selection Set sel = dDoc.Selection CATIA.HSOSynchronized = False sel.Clear sel.Add dDoc.sheets.ActiveSheet sel.Search "CATDrwSearch.DrwBalloon,sel" Dim balloons As Collection Set balloons = New Collection Dim i As Long For i = 1 To sel.Count2 balloons.Add sel.Item(i).value Next sel.Clear CATIA.HSOSynchronized = True 'ざっくりバルーン領域 Dim bBox As Variant '三個だけ For i = 1 To 3 bBox = get_balloon_bounding_box(balloons.Item(i)) Dim msg As String msg = "** ざっくりバルーン情報 **" & vbCrLf & _ "幅:" & bBox(2) - bBox(0) & vbCrLf & _ "高さ:" & bBox(3) - bBox(1) & vbCrLf & _ "中心座標 x:" & (bBox(2) + bBox(0)) * 0.5 & _ " y:" & (bBox(3) + bBox(1)) * 0.5 MsgBox msg Next End Sub 'ざっくりバルーン領域 'return 0-minX, 1-minY, 2-maxX, 3-maxY Private Function get_balloon_bounding_box( _ ByVal balloon As DrawingText) _ As Variant Dim view As DrawingView Set view = balloon.Parent.Parent Dim backUpLock backUpLock = view.LockStatus view.LockStatus = False Dim text As DrawingText Set text = create_text_from_balloon(balloon) Dim bBox As Variant bBox = get_text_bounding_box(text) Dim sel As Selection Set sel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection sel.Clear sel.Add text sel.Delete view.LockStatus = backUpLock get_balloon_bounding_box = bBox End Function Private Function create_text_from_balloon( _ ByVal balloon As DrawingText) _ As DrawingText Dim view As DrawingView Set view = balloon.Parent.Parent Dim anchorPosition As String anchorPosition = balloon.anchorPosition Dim txtProps As DrawingTextProperties Set txtProps = balloon.TextProperties Dim cloneTxt As DrawingText Set cloneTxt = view.Texts.Add( _ balloon.text, _ balloon.x, _ balloon.y _ ) cloneTxt.anchorPosition = balloon.anchorPosition Dim cloneProps As DrawingTextProperties Set cloneProps = cloneTxt.TextProperties cloneProps.Bold = txtProps.Bold cloneProps.FONTNAME = txtProps.FONTNAME cloneProps.FONTSIZE = txtProps.FONTSIZE cloneProps.FrameName = txtProps.FrameName cloneProps.FrameType = txtProps.FrameType cloneProps.Update Set create_text_from_balloon = cloneTxt End Function Private Function get_text_bounding_box( _ ByVal drawText As DrawingText) _ As Variant drawText.FrameType = catCircle Dim minLeader As DrawingLeader Set minLeader = drawText.Leaders.Add( _ drawText.x - 100, _ drawText.y - 100 _ ) Dim maxLeader As DrawingLeader Set maxLeader = drawText.Leaders.Add( _ drawText.x + 100, _ drawText.y + 100 _ ) Dim minX As Double Dim minY As Double minLeader.GetPoint 0, minX, minY Dim maxX As Double Dim maxY As Double maxLeader.GetPoint 0, maxX, maxY get_text_bounding_box = Array(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) End Function
何故 "ざっくり" なのかと申しますと、こちらの画像の黒のバルーンに対して