2D属性リンクを扱いたい4 - C#ATIA
'vba AttributeLinkTable Ver0.0.1 using-'KCL0.0.12' by Kantoku '属性リンク付き座標テーブル-平面上の点のみ対応 Private Const TITLE = "AttributeTable" 'テーブルのタイトル Private Const KEY_H = "H" 'パラメータ用Hキー Private Const KEY_V = "V" 'パラメータ用Vキー Private Const ROWSIZE = 10 'テーブル初期行高さ Private Const COLUMNSIZE = 35 'テーブル初期列幅 Sub CATMain() 'ドキュメントのチェック If Not CanExecute("DrawingDocument") Then Exit Sub Dim dDoc As DrawingDocument Set dDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument 'ビュー選択 Dim msg As String msg = "テーブルを作成する、ビューを選択してください /ESC-終了" Dim vi As DrawingView Set vi = KCL.SelectItem(msg, "DrawingView") If vi Is Nothing Then Exit Sub '形状セット選択 msg = "平面上の点を含んだ、形状セットを選択してください /ESC-終了" Dim hBdy As HybridBody Set hBdy = SelectItem4(msg, msg, Array("HybridBody")) If hBdy Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'リンクPart取得 Dim lnkPt As Part Set lnkPt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(hBdy, "Part") If lnkPt Is Nothing Then MsgBox "形状セットのPartが取得できませんでした" Exit Sub End If 'パラメータ名取得 Dim prms As Variant prms = GetParamNames(hBdy) If IsEmpty(prms) Then msg = "処理すべき点が含まれていませんでした" & vbCrLf & _ "(平面上の点のみ対応してます)" MsgBox msg Exit Sub End If 'テーブル作成 Dim tbl As DrawingTable Set tbl = vi.Tables.Add(0, 0, 1, 1, ROWSIZE, COLUMNSIZE) '仮 'テーブルに書き込み Call PushData2Table(tbl, prms, lnkPt.Parameters) MsgBox "done" End Sub 'テーブルに投げ込む Private Sub PushData2Table( _ ByVal tbl As DrawingTable, _ ByVal pntprms As Variant, _ ByVal prms As Parameters) 'Column追加 Dim clmcnt As Long clmcnt = UBound(pntprms(0)) Dim c As Long For c = 0 To clmcnt - 1 Call tbl.AddColumn(1) Next 'row追加+タイトル分 Dim rowcnt As Long rowcnt = UBound(pntprms) Dim r As Long For r = 0 To rowcnt Call tbl.AddRow(1) Next 'タイトル Dim titles As Variant titles = Array(TITLE, KEY_H, KEY_V) Dim dt As DrawingText For c = 0 To clmcnt Set dt = tbl.GetCellObject(1, c + 1) dt.Text = titles(c) Next '書き出し For r = 0 To rowcnt Set dt = tbl.GetCellObject(r + 2, 1) dt.Text = pntprms(r)(0) For c = 1 To clmcnt Set dt = tbl.GetCellObject(r + 2, c + 1) Call dt.InsertVariable(0, 0, prms.Item(pntprms(r)(c))) Next Next End Sub '形状セット内の点からパラメータ名を取得 Private Function GetParamNames( _ ByVal hBdy As HybridBody) As Variant Dim shps As HybridShapes Set shps = hBdy.HybridShapes 'HybridShapePointOnPlaneのみ Dim lst As Collection Set lst = New Collection Dim shp As HybridShape Dim i As Long For i = 1 To shps.Count If Not typename(shps.Item(i)) = "HybridShapePointOnPlane" Then GoTo continue End If lst.Add shps.Item(i) continue: Next If lst.Count < 1 Then Exit Function '点なし 'HVパラメータ名を取得 Dim pt As Part Set pt = KCL.GetParent_Of_T(hBdy, "Part") Dim prms As Parameters Set prms = pt.Parameters Dim ary() As Variant ReDim ary(lst.Count - 1) Dim baseName As String Dim prmH As String Dim prmV As String Dim cnt As Long cnt = -1 For i = 1 To lst.Count baseName = prms.GetNameToUseInRelation(lst.Item(i)) prmH = Left(baseName, Len(baseName) - 1) & _ "\" & KEY_H & Right(baseName, 1) prmV = Left(baseName, Len(baseName) - 1) & _ "\" & KEY_V & Right(baseName, 1) If ExistsParam(prmH, prms) And ExistsParam(prmV, prms) Then ary(i - 1) = Array(lst.Item(i).name, prmH, prmV) cnt = cnt + 1 End If Next If cnt < 0 Then Exit Function '点なし If Not UBound(ary) = cnt Then ReDim Preserve ary(cnt) End If GetParamNames = ary End Function 'パラメータ存在してる? Private Function ExistsParam( _ ByVal key As String, _ ByVal params As Parameters) As Boolean Dim prm As Parameter Err.Number = 0 On Error Resume Next Set prm = params.Item(key) On Error GoTo 0 ExistsParam = IIf(Err.Number = 0, True, False) End Function 'SelectElement4 'pram:filter-AryVariant(string) Private Function SelectItem4( _ ByVal msg1 As String, _ ByVal msg2 As String, _ ByVal filter As Variant) As AnyObject Dim sel As Variant Set sel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.selection Dim targetDoc As Variant 'Document 型指定Ng sel.Clear Select Case sel.SelectElement4(filter, msg1, msg2, _ False, targetDoc) Case "Cancel", "Undo", "Redo" Exit Function End Select Dim tgtSel As selection Set tgtSel = targetDoc.selection Set SelectItem4 = tgtSel.Item2(1).Value sel.Clear tgtSel.Clear End Function
属性リンクが付いてます! ・・・どれがどのセルか分かんないのですが。
・単位要らない : プロパティのチェックを外すのはマクロでは無理っぽいです。
・自動フィットしたい : ここもマクロでは無理っぽいです。
・フォントが気に入らない : 個人的にはSSS4にしたいのですが、客先環境では
Drawing text with Attribute link in VB6 - DASSAULT: CATIA products - Eng-Tips